Breaking Waves: Ocean News

06/18/2024 - 19:00
The contaminants have also recently been found in testes and semen amid concerns about falling male fertility Microplastics have been discovered in penises for the first time, raising questions about a potential role in erectile dysfunction. The revelation comes after the pollutants were recently detected in testes and semen. Male fertility has fallen in recent decades and more research on potential harm of microplastics to reproduction is imperative, say experts. Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 17:00
Global study reveals dirty air is second only to malnutrition as cause of death among under-fives Nearly 2,000 children under five are dying every day from air pollution, which has overtaken poor sanitation and a lack of clean water to become the second biggest health risk factor for young children around the world. More than 8 million deaths, of children and adults, were caused by air pollution in 2021, according to a new study from the Health Effects Institute (HEI), as both outdoor and indoor pollution continue to take an increasing toll on health. Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 16:26
Coalition names sites at Collie, Mt Piper, Callide, Tarong, Liddell, Northern energy in South Australia and Loy Yang. Follow the day’s news live Peter Dutton names seven potential nuclear power station sites but avoids questions on cost Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast Sussan Ley says Coalition nuclear policy will be a ‘sensible proposition’ I just wanted to return to Sussan Ley’s appearance on Sky News this morning, where she was asked how a potential future Coalition nuclear policy would circumvent nuclear bans: We’ll work through all that. We have a sensible proposition to put to the Australian people and I know that when we talk about nuclear people are starting to tune in, understanding that if 19 of the 20 biggest economies in the world are using nuclear, if it makes sense for cleaner baseload power, because it’s zero emissions, if it helps us get to 2050 net zero, if it does all of the things that we want it to do in terms of emissions, and in terms of securing affordable cheaper power for Australians … why would people not consider it? And I believe they will. Now, the government says it’s renewables only. We can see that that’s actually not going to happen. The government talks about hydrogen, it’s not at scale. It’s not even something they can demonstrate works in that short timeframe and they talk about batteries that aren’t going to provide the storage for their renewables. So, they are in a complete mess over this, and they need to be put on the sticky paper and asked what they are going to do for families, households and manufacturing businesses. Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 16:22
Aerial footage has revealed the scale of a wildfire in Colusa County, northern California. Video released by California forest protection department showed the blaze covers 10,000 acres. Firefighters in California have been struggling with several wildfires, which have led to evacuation orders and warnings in affected areas Strong winds hamper crews battling Los Angeles area’s first major fire of the year Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 14:31
Center for Biological Diversity signed a joined petition to recognize the increasing number of heat-related crises A coalition of environmental non-profit organizations have called on the the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) to add extreme heat and wildfire smoke to its list of major disasters that could qualify for emergency funding. The Center for Biological Diversity signed a joint petition on Monday urging Fema, the federal government’s lead agency in responding to natural disasters, to officially recognize the increasing number of heat-related crises. Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 11:57
Approximately 80% of country’s population is experiencing temperatures at or above 90F for long periods of time How do you stay cool in extreme heat? More than 270 million Americans – about 80% of the country’s population – are experiencing a kind of heatwave not seen in decades, smashing records with temperatures at or above 90F (32.2C) for long periods of time under a weather phenomenon known as a heat dome. New York governor Kathy Hochul has announced that she activated the National Guard to assist in any heat emergencies that may develop over the next several days. Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 11:03
Arjuna Capital agreed not to pursue effort to put climate science on agenda at company’s annual meetings A federal court in Texas has dismissed a lawsuit brought by ExxonMobil against activist shareholders pushing for the oil giant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as contributions to anthropogenic climate change. The lawsuit aimed at Arjuna Capital was dismissed after a lawyer for the activist investor group agreed not to pursue its effort to put climate science on the agenda at the company’s annual meetings. Reuters contributed reporting Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 10:00
State’s existing coal-fired power plant sites being considered, along with NSW’s Hunter Valley and South Australia’s Port Augusta Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast Queensland is emerging as the nuclear capital under the Coalition, with speculation it could be home to up to two reactors in the opposition’s energy plan. Such a move would pit the federal Coalition against the state LNP just months out from the Queensland election. David Crisafulli, the LNP state leader, said on Tuesday he would not repeal the state’s nuclear ban if elected and nuclear was “not on our plan, not on our agenda”. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 08:46
Brighton primary has worked with organisation to provide better quality time outside Children deprived of outdoor play at higher risk of obesity, say doctors Every Friday morning Damien Jordan can be seen walking back and forth in the local park, staring at the grass. He’s checking for dog mess and drug paraphernalia; in the next 10 minutes 30 or so of the pupils of Fairlight primary in Brighton will hit the park for their weekly football practice. With a playground that measures just 800m2 and more than 400 children, there is no room for sports on the school grounds, so about a decade ago Jordan, headteacher at Fairlight, started practice at the park. It is just one of the ways that he, like other heads, is finding to cope with the issues many state schools are fighting; shortages of green space, shortages of staff and time, and shortages of cash. Continue reading...
06/18/2024 - 08:45
Exclusive: Medics say children with poor access to outdoor play at school at higher risk of developing lifelong health problems Revealed: students at top private schools have 10 times more green space than state pupils ‘We have to be all things to our children’: how a school made sure pupils had time to play Doctors have warned that a “truly alarming” lack of access to outdoor space at schools is exacerbating Britain’s child obesity crisis. Child obesity is already a significant public health problem. In England, one in three children are leaving primary school overweight or obese and face a higher risk of serious health conditions, mental health problems and dying prematurely. Continue reading...