Ocean School is a free environmental education resource for students in grades 5-12. Inspiring and immersive multimedia resources featuring linear and 360˚ videos, VR/AR, interactive media and hands-on projects and activities are offered in English and French. Cross-curricular content spans science, social studies, language arts and more.
World Ocean Curriculum - Freshwater

Online curriculum guide for grades K-12 with topics including watersheds, the water cycle and non-point source pollution.
The latest education-based web site developed by Howard Perlman of the US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division. This site is available for all students and anyone who wants to find out more about the many aspects of water from what it is to how we use it. Topics range from water’s basic properties, the many forms of water on and in the Earth, acid rain, how urbanization affects the water system, water use charts, maps and data and much more. An interactive activity center lets students test their water knowledge, and compare their answers to surveys with those of other students around the country.
The Water School in Southwest Morocco combines art, engineering, science, and mathematics (STEAM) learning through the exploration of water, sustainability, conservation, and environmental challenges. The Water School follows three main themes, organized in this curriculum as units: basic ecology, the uses and sources of water, and enviromental stewardship.
A collection of information and classroom activities covering: oceans, human impact, weather, satellite imagery, remote sensing, Antarctica, global climate change, lobsters, turtles, freshwater issues, and more.
Educational wall charts, graphics and maps available for environmental and earth science educators. Topics include impacts of climate change, animals affected by climate and at risk of extinction, global ecology, fresh water, pollution, and more.
Find curricula and activities on water (including oceans, rivers and watersheds), air, ecosystems, recycling, conservation, and human health. In addition, you will also find links to education grants, awards, scholarships, workshops and community service projects.