Ocean School is a free environmental education resource for students in grades 5-12. Inspiring and immersive multimedia resources featuring linear and 360˚ videos, VR/AR, interactive media and hands-on projects and activities are offered in English and French. Cross-curricular content spans science, social studies, language arts and more.
World Ocean Curriculum - Marine Plants

Toxic and Harmful Algal Blooms Activities Page
January 5, 2023
These activities will help your students gain a better understanding of toxic and harmful algal blooms. Each module consists of background content material and related standards-based activities.
The Ocean Adventure
January 5, 2023
Offers school assembly programs complete with a set of thematic, multi-disciplinary curriculum materials. Choose from the following program topics: animal adaptations, manatees, sharks, whales, kelp forests, coral reefs, volcanoes, or ocean careers & technology, Grades K-8.
Kelp Forest Elementary Collection
January 5, 2023
The best educational materials compiled for elementary school audiences.
Kelp Forest Resource Collection
January 5, 2023
Lesson plans and activities to allow anyone to gain a better understanding of kelp forest ecosystems, their importance, the species that call them home, and the dangers they face.