Great Ocean Reads for Summer (with a new book by Captain Peter Wilcox)

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    Summertime again, and what better time to pack a few books and head to the beach? In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill suggests some of his favorite books for ocean lovers. His list runs the gamut from complicated and comprehensive to entertaining and mystical. And he recommends a new book by Captain Peter Wilcox, an adventurous non-fiction book that has action and intrigue, and highlights public consciousness, public awareness and protest of ocean issues that Wilcox’s Greenpeace has been dedicated to for more than forty years.

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About World Ocean Radio
Peter Neill, Director of the World Ocean Observatory and host of World Ocean Radio, provides coverage of a broad spectrum of ocean issues from science and education to advocacy and exemplary projects. World Ocean Radio, a project of the World Ocean Observatory, is a weekly series of five-minute audio essays available for syndicated use at no cost by college and community radio stations worldwide. A selection of episodes is now available in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Swahili, and Mandarin, enabling us to reach 75% of the world's population. For more information, visit

Great Ocean Reads for Summer (as recommended by W2O Director Peter Neill)
< Mirror of the Sea by Joseph Conrad
< Sea and Civilization by Lincoln Paine
< We, the Drowned by Carsten Jensen
< Fishboy by Mark Richard
< The Island Within by Richard Nelson
< The Sea Runners by Ivan Doig
< Voyage of the Narwhal: A Novel by Andrea Barrett
< 2182 kHz by David Masi
< ...My Adventures in Protecting the Future of the Planet by Peter Wilcox